Friday, June 15, 2007

Oh, the Places You’ll Go

(With Apologies to Dr. Seuss!)
by Trey Gillette

This poem was written for Jon and Heather's Farewell Luncheon at St. Paul UMC, Abilene, June 10, 2007.

Today is your day.
You're off to Great Places!
You're off and away!

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
Your church is now Westover.
Our tears please excuse.
You're now on your own. You’re the big chief in charge.
Senior Pastor, the Rev, In command, you’re the Sarge.

We’ll miss your smile and silly pun funnies,
Your love of soccer and disposition so sunny.
Your wife, your children, our hearts they delight.
Recessing with Noah, we’ll miss seeing that sight.

And you may not find any
Here without frown.
We grieve in our hearts
As you head out of town,
But leave us you must.
It’s in God we must trust.

Your gifts you have many,
And it’s not fair to hoard,
Even though you’ve become one of our
Three strands of cord.
I’m not sure what I will miss of you most.
We think you are great, but you never would boast.
There’s reverent prayers from God’s lips that we hear,
Your joyful expression as the children draw near,
A whimsical response from the email we send,
A treasure we keep for time with us you spend.

Know this for sure,
For tis true indeed,
Your time here with us,
Your gifts we did need.

Your love and your care meant more than you know.
It was your example, your time, the ways you said no.
Your rebuke it was gentle, and it gave us the start
To be what God calls us deep down in our heart.

A carefully worded letter of hope
Propel us forward and help us to cope.

Oh yes, it’s true you’re leaving today,
You’ve packed your bags and you’re on your way.
We know the joy of your new congregation
As we sit and we giggle in anticipation,
For soon they will share in the Sims family story.
Together as family you will guide them in glory.
On Earth as it is in Heaven we pray,
Know that you’ve been Christ for us today.

Go now in peace. We’re thankful for much,
For the Disciples you’ve made and the lives that you touch.
Blessings, Farewell, It’s been lots of fun!
Well-Done Good Servant, your work here is done.

(Thank you, Trey, for the blessing of your friendship!)

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