The ministry track which I am attending is "New Church--Post Launch" presented by Brad Kalajainen, Sr. Pastor of Cornerstone Church in Grand Rapids, MI. He presents the Top 15 Post Launch Learnings. In a previous blog, we looked at the first 7 of these ( Now we look at the rest...
8. Devlope a Clear Strategy. Move from vision statement to how that will be accomplished, and aim to do that in all ministry.
9. Invent a Workable Organizational Plan. Reduce the size of decision making groups. Meet often for action, not discussion. Give permission to ministry leaders/staff to make decisions that align with vision/goals.
10. Communicate Effectively. Newsletters need to be about vision--every issue. Provide opportunities for involvement in every publication (bulletin, etc.). Use testimonies in church often. Email for internal communication. Update website often.
11. Get People Involved in Outreach. Servant evangelism, mission trips, community involvement all give courage and motivation for members. Invite friends!!
12. Keep Stewardship Central. Stewardship is at the heart of our devotion to God, for it is the material expression of our spiritual loyalties. The goal of a new church is to become self-sufficient. Preach it; teach it; celebrate it!
13. Develop Leaders. What to expect of leaders--come spiritually prepared for worship (expect to minister, not to be ministered too); Give God your best when your on, be the best family person when your off; Be enthusiastic, optimistic and energetic; Tithe; Work out problems with co-workers without quitting; Be loyal to your spiritual leaders; Carry a vision for your area; Keep one eye on eternity; Have a lot of fun.
14. Work toward Adequate Space. Expect a crowd. Raise money from alternative sources. Be highly visible.
15. Keep it Fun! Expect a positive, enthusiastic attitude from leaders. Do a lot with humor. Encourage a 'can do' attitude. Preserve your family and sanity.
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